Update on Clinical Genetics
                                              - From Bench to Bedside

The University of Hong Kong
LKS Faculty of Medicine

Special thanks to our sponsors:

 Centre for Genomic Sciences


Speaker list

Car Park and direction


Registration and venue

Organizing committee

Car Park and direction

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Organizing committee

Organizing committee


Copyright 2013-2014

organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

co-organized by Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

 Centre of Reproduction, Development and Growth

Sunday 19 January, 2014

 Genomics Strategic Research Theme

(Registration fee can be waived if you are a member of the organizer or co-organizers.)

Fellow/Specialist:            HK$ 1000
Trainee/Nurse/Scientist:   HK$ 500
Registration fee include entitlement to tea breaks and lunch.

Deadline for registration: on or before 06 January, 2014

Lecture Theatre 4, Cheung Kung Hai Conference Centre,
William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong